How to Reduce DStv Package?

Are you looking to cut down on your entertainment expenses? Reducing your DStv package can be a great way to save money without completely giving up your favorite shows. 

This article will guide you through the process of downgrading your DStv subscription, exploring various methods and considerations.

How to Upgrade/Downgrade DStv Package (Step -by- Step Guide) 

Want to change your DStv package but don't know how to go about it? Follow any of these easy methods explained below.  

Upgrade/Downgrade Package Online Using Your DStv Account 

  • Step 1: Login to your DStv online account. You can do this by visiting DStv official website, on the MyDStv App, or by using the DStv WhatsApp bot.  

  • Step 2: Tap on the Change package on your DStv account dashboard.  
  • Step 3: Next, select the package you want to upgrade or downgrade on your DStv account.  

  • Step 4: Click Next and your DStv package will be changed instantly 

How to Upgrade/Downgrade Using the MyDStv App 

  • Step 1: First, login to your MyDStv app using any of the three ways mentioned above.  
  • Step 2: Tap on the view of all packages. Next, tap on your current package, and the Change package now button will appear on your phone screen.  
  • Step 3: Tap on Change Package Now, Chose the new package you want to upgrade/downgrade to and tap on Next

  • Step 4: You will see a success message, which indicates that your account has been upgraded or downgraded.

Upgrade/Downgrade Package Using DStv WhatsApp bot

Step 1:Login to your DStv account using Whatsapp as explained below; 
  1. Open your mobile phone or computer browser and visit
  2. Choose your country from the top corner of the website (Nigeria in this Case)
  3. Click on the WhatsApp icon on your bottom left corner of the site.
  4. Choose Open with WhatsApp and A chat with DStv WhatsApp account Will open with a message with “Hi Dstv” in your Whatsapp input box.
  5. Send the “Hi DStv” message using whatsapp and you will get a reply asking you to send your smart card number.
  6. After sending your smartcard number, you will be asked to enter your surname or the mobile phone number. (if you do not know your DStv surname you can use your IUC/Smartcard number to verify your surname.  
  7. After sending your surname/mobile number on whatsapp, You will be automatically logged into DStv Whatsapp and you can now check your expiry date, check your package, change your package and even clear DStv errors from this chat.   

    Step 2: On the DSTV Whatsapp chat, reply with 0 and Choose Change Package from the options presented.

Step 3: Choose the package you want to upgrade/downgrade to. Make sure you always reply by entering the number against the option you wish to access.

Step 4: Choose Yes to confirm. 

Read also: UPDATED: DStv Compact Channels List and Subscription Price 2024


Can I change my DStv package online?

Yes, you can change your DStv package online through the MyDStv App or DStv Self Service website. While DStv doesn't allow for online package changes directly on their website, you can contact their support through the Self Service website and request an upgrade or downgrade for your next billing cycle.

What is the DStv code for downgrading?

There isn't actually a single DStv code for downgrading your package. DStv phased out using USSD codes (codes you enter on your phone) for package changes. However, if you want to downgrade your DStv package, you can contact their support team or download the DStv app to manage your account. 

How do I cancel my DStv package?

Just like changing your DStv package, you can cancel your package online through the MyDStv App or contact their support system for assistance as the case may be. You can find the DStv contact information on their website under "Contact Us" [DStv Contact Us].

What is the lowest amount for a DStv subscription?

As of June 21, 2024, the lowest priced DStv bouquet in Nigeria is the "Padi" package. There was a recent price adjustment in May 2024, and the price for Padi is actually at N3,600 per month.  

Wrap Up 

Reducing your DStv package is a practical way to manage your entertainment costs without completely sacrificing your viewing experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily upgrade or downgrade to a more affordable package that still meets your needs. 

You just have to understand your viewing habits and research the available options. Whether you choose to use the online website, mobile app, or speak directly with a customer representative, DStv offers multiple convenient ways to adjust your subscription at a go! 

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